Even if you have engrossed yourself in eating properly, making nutritional purchases or organic vs. non organic foods I guarantee that there is something for you to learn in this film.
Its mesmerizing how something that was made to facilitate our abilities to have off season foods readily available at any time and maintain produce for longer times with out refrigeration has become our main form of purchasing fruits and vegetables.
It has disrupted our want to find fresh fruits or vegetables and accommodated an easier way for us which does not necessarily translate into a better way.
I am not against can foods though I do attempt to minimize the amount we purchase, I am not against processed foods in its entirely and have not committed to a full organic experience though for 10+ years I’ve purchased a certain number of organic food and have always had fresh veggies and fruits at our disposition I am concerned with the fact that less and less people seem to cook or incorporate fresh foods in their daily take.
When you process foods you loose essential vitamins and wonderful taste. Belive me if do not regularly try or purchase fresh foods you are SO missing out.I am hopeful though, Ive personally been wanting to plant a vegetable garden for years! And usually have spice plants at home. Lately Ive seen an incredible amount of homes around our neighborhood that have built thire own vegetable or fruit gardens and just yesterday in the middle of suburbia saw a home with a chicken coop right in the front which was hilarious a whole other set of question like “what will happen when a stray dog or cayote see lunch available in someones front yard" [which is not fenced though the chickens are, this aint South fl. lol] but that’s a whole new blog.
There does seem to be a bigger emersion of the natural and eco friendly, heck the First Lady has one,lol. Now we are seeing shows that teach you how to eat healthier, schools are eliminating high sugared foods and more and more vegtables are emerging in our grocery stores that we might not have tried before, like Swiss Chard, Bock Choy, pomegranate. green Chard ect. .
A home close to ours getting started on their garden..
My own son's school has a wonderful garden that the kids have planted which has everything from Bay leaves, chives, lettuce, tomatoes,grapes, swiss chard, artichokes, lemon grass and the list goes on. I find it fascinating that children can grow up learning and seeing this wonderful garden and it might entice them to try something new and good for them.
I think things are getting more balance and hope this resurrection of the more natural, more organic will translate into an overall happier and healthier life for all.
Here are some more gardens around our home that "doing it them selves", maybe this will be the final push we need to make our own.
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